Since the physics major program for the Bachelor of Science degree requires 34 hours of mathematics, and the mathematics component of the major requires 45 hours, 11 additional hours of mathematics need to be taken.?

Career Paths for students in the offered by Wright State University

According to the Society of Physics Students, only about 30 percent of those earning a Ph.D. in astronomy or physics go on to a career in higher education. The rest work in the private sector, civilian government, the military, and other entities. Median salary figures indicate a starting salary of roughly $50,000 in the private sector, with more than double that for those with advanced degrees and professional experience.

Students with physics majors can pursue a career as an:

  • Astronomer/astrophysicist
  • Biophysicist
  • Computer modeling professional
  • Data analyst
  • Engineer
  • Entrepreneur
  • Healthcare professional
  • Patent attorney
  • Physical scientist