Oregon State University has exceptional strength in many of the disciplines, including science, agriculture, forestry, engineering, public health, liberal arts, social science, and oceanography and atmospheric science. Strength in these disciplines allows the ES graduate program to provide high-quality interdisciplinary education for environmental scientists and continuing postgraduate educational opportunities to scientists who are already active in the field.

The Environmental Sciences Graduate Program develops scientists who will be able to analyze and understand environmental systems, predict environmental change, and participate in the management of the environment. Each student completing a major in the program will perform research and complete a thesis, dissertation, or research project. Each student will also develop depth in a carefully designed, interdisciplinary area of concentration or track. Tracks that are currently available include ecology, biogeochemistry, social science, quantitative analysis, water resources, and environmental education. Methods and numerical skill courses, electives, and thesis make up the remainder of a student’s program.

Students in the program may choose advisors from faculty members already appointed at OSU, as well as other scientists who apply and are accepted in the environmental sciences graduate faculty. The Environmental Sciences Graduate Program fosters interdisciplinary education, and seeks connections between institutions.