The BS degree in Forest Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, The BS degree in Forest Engineering is also accredited by the Society of American Foresters. The double degree program is offered in cooperation with the School of Civil and Construction Engineering. Curricula for the double degree program is listed under a separate heading. Both programs begin with basic science and mathematics, progress on through engineering science and forest science, to arrive at professional-level courses in forest engineering that include surveying, soil and water resources, timber harvesting, operations analysis, road design, and planning. Graduates are eligible to take the Fundamentals of Engineering Examination.

In addition to the listed courses, all students are required to complete a total of six months of satisfactory employment in an area related to their major. This is usually accomplished by two or more summers of work, but it may include work during the academic year. Work performance and personal conduct are thoroughly appraised by the College of Forestry.