The Bioengineering Undergraduate Program provides a solid background in biology, chemistry, physics and math, in addition to the engineering sciences. Upper-level course work in bioengineering includes analysis and design of processes involving suspension and immobilized microbial cultures and the recovery of therapeutic products from bioreactors, as well as courses in biomedical materials engineering, biomedical engineering principles, and selection course work in cell engineering, surface analysis and bioconjugation. All students complete a capstone-design experience that integrates drug and medical device regulation.

Bioengineering graduates are prepared to contribute to the rapidly growing bioscience-based industries with the ability to formulate and solve problems pertaining to enzyme and microbial process technologies, mammalian cell culture, and downstream processing in biotechnology. They also generate solutions to problems with medical relevance, including the design of devices and systems to replace lost organ function, deliver therapeutic agents, and otherwise improve human health.