• Oregon State University offers MS and Ph.D. degrees in Wood Science with a broad range of specialties.
  • Example specialties are chemistry, physics, composites, bio-deterioration, and business. Dual MS and Ph.D. degrees are also possible.
  • Common dual degrees are Material Science and Civil Engineering.
  • The graduate programs in wood science are designed for future scientists, technologists and businesspersons who will meet the challenge of new knowledge and innovation.
  • Oregon State is an international education and research center with a world-class faculty and state-of-the-art facilities for inquiry and exploration.
  • The State of Oregon is a center for renewable materials because of our natural resources, well-established industry, and sustainability focus.
  • They offer MS and Ph.D. degrees in Wood Science that are closely integrated with our research programs and that allow students to tailor their program around a wood science foundation.
  • All programs are highly interdisciplinary and many students also pursue dual graduate degrees in science and engineering disciplines such as civil engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science, or forest science.