Study of the processes that shape the continents and oceans, drive the hydrologic cycle and ocean circulation, and affect climate change and the evolution of life is based on a foundation of basic mathematics, physics, and chemistry.

The need for people trained in the Earth and environmental sciences has been increasing in response to growing societal demands for sound environmental and resource management. Issues of particular concern include global climate change impacts, management of water resources, development of energy and mineral resources, waste disposal, and the assessment of natural hazards. In addition, the demand for well-trained secondary school teachers of Earth sciences has been steadily increasing.

The bachelor of arts in Earth sciences is offered through the Department of Earth Sciences. This program provides students an opportunity to obtain a broad education and a general background in the Earth sciences with a greater degree of freedom in choosing electives than in the bachelor of science programs. Through careful choice of electives, students can prepare for graduate school, business, or industry.