Learning French means learning to communicate in French in a variety of social and professional settings. Students develop their language proficiency—listening, speaking, reading and writing skills—in interactive classroom settings, in our individualized instruction program, and in study abroad settings in France, Canada and Senegal.

The undergraduate program in French is designed to give students the opportunity to tailor their major and minor to their personal interests and their professional goals and objectives.

Students majoring in French can choose among five tracks:

  • For students interested in pursuing a career in business, the French for the professions major or minor track provides a background in French business practices and culture.
  • The language and literature track is appealing to students who enjoy literature and to those contemplating graduate school in French.
  • Students interested in teaching at the secondary level and international studies students often find the language and culture track useful because of its concentration on French and Francophone cultures.
  • The Francophone studies track is suited to students especially interested in French-speaking regions outside of France, such as North or West Africa, and who may want to work for international agencies.
  • The French studies track allows students to put together a more individualized program of study combining literature, language, culture and/or film.