A variety of interdisciplinary programs focusing on the applied sciences of forestry, fisheries and wildlife give students the knowledge and skills to solve problems in the conservation and restoration of landscapes, ecosystems, habitats, and plant and animal species that are affected by human’s use of resources. Intensive training in one or two of the disciplines as well as a broad base of knowledge helps to advance their future careers as biologists, administrators and education specialists.

There are 3 different tracks a student can focus on within the Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife major:

  • Forestry- This specialization focuses on the ecology and management of forest ecosystems. Students graduating from this specialization will be prepared for careers involving the management of private and public forest lands, pulp and timber operations in the industrial sector, domestic or international consulting, wildland firefighting, research, or teaching.
  • Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences- Through this specialization, students study aquatic organisms and ecosystems, explore the sustainable use of aquatic resources, and understand how to apply science to a broad range of conservation and environmental issues.
  • Wildlife- This specialization emphasizes managing ecosystems and populations so that all components remain healthy and balanced. Wildlife specialists play an important role in determining size and health of wildlife populations for improved management.