In the  programme delivered by University of South Carolina you can elect to get involved in field research and field classes.

In addition to the challenging standard curriculum, biological sciences majors have the opportunity to be exposed to an unusually strong core of marine sciences.

Learning outcomes
  • Students become broadly knowledgeable of their area of research as well as neighboring areas within their field of study.
  • All students will possess the experimental design and problem solving skills needed for conducting independent research.
  • All students will possess the critical thinking skills to design independent research and to assess their own work and the work of others.
  • All students will possess the communication skills necessary to present their research orally and as publications.
  • All students are encouraged to participate in the Graduate Association of Biological Sciences (GABS). All students are eligible to serve on Departmental Committees including serving as student representatives for Faculty Meetings, Faculty hiring committees, Graduate Studies.
  • Production of Masters students ready to pursue advanced studies or productive careers.