• The major goals of graduate education at Texas A&M are to instill in each student an understanding of and a capacity for scholarship, independent judgment, academic rigor and intellectual honesty.
  • Graduate student progress is guided and evaluated by an advisor and a graduate committee.
  • These individuals give direction and support for the appropriate developmental and learning goals of a graduate student. The advisor and the graduate committee also have the obligation of evaluating a graduate student’s academic performance.
  • The graduate student, the advisor and the graduate committee constitute the basic core of graduate education. The quality, scope and extent of interaction in this group determines the significance of the graduate experience.
  • The goal of political science is to use our knowledge to bring about better-governed polities. Better-governed polities encourage human flourishing by providing individuals with the resources they need to develop their capacities in an environment free from coercion, intimidation, or injustice. If we are to provide leadership on these issues in the world, it is first necessary for us to demonstrate them in our own community.