The TLAC graduate program in mathematics education includes work with the latest research findings, curriculum developments, computer-based teaching tools, Internet and web-based sources and information technologies such as modeling, visualization and data management. The program characteristics include:

  • Research-based degree with an emphasis on mathematics learning with understanding and how to advance mathematics performance for all students.
  • Opportunity for individualized projects that expand knowledge about teaching and learning with and through technology.
  • Technology-rich environment, not only in terms of instructional tools, but also in the opportunity to employ technology in collecting data, modeling applied situations and building representations of important mathematics concepts.
  • Opportunity to study with a group of like-minded and motivated colleagues. Scheduled and available courses, making it possible to complete a degree within a well-defined time period.
  • Course work and research available on-campus, as well as via the Internet and through distance-learning, offering geographic and economic flexibility and accessibility.