The Ph.D. in Business Administration degree with marketing as a major field of study is designed to train Ph.D. students to make contributions at the leading edge of knowledge in the field, enabling their future success as a marketing faculty member and research scholar.

The program has three primary objectives:

  •  To provide students with a comprehensive knowledge of marketing concepts and practices to support their research and teaching interests.
  •  To equip students with advanced competencies and methodological skills for conducting high quality research and publish in top-tier academic journals.
  • To prepare students for the varied responsibilities associted with an academic career, such as pursuit of scholarly research, teaching and making service contributions to one’s academic discipline and institution.

A student earning a Ph.D. in business administration from Mays Business School will be challenged to develop into a well-rounded scholar, capable of creating new knowledge about important marketing phenomena and effectively disseminating it to students, executives and other stakeholders of the modern research university. 

At the time of graduation, our students will be qualified and well-equipped for long-term success as a business school faculty member. The principal criteria for granting the degree are the candidate’s demonstrated mastery of the subject matter of a specialized field of study and a demonstrated ability to conduct high quality independent research.