• Work leading to the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) is designed to give the candidate a thorough and comprehensive knowledge of the study of society and of the theory, methods and research in their specialized area(s). Students select one of six specialized areas of study: 
  • Crime, Law and Deviance, Culture, Demography, Organizational, Political and Economic, Race, Class and Gender, and Social Psychology. Each area is supported by a diverse group of faculty members and graduate students who publish and conduct research in the area, providing doctoral students professional training and in-depth knowledge of the area. 
  • Students become proficient at delivering conference presentations at professional meetings, publishing articles in professional journals, and preparing grant proposals for research funding.  Students develop these skills by conducting independent research in their selected area by working closely with one or more faculty members to produce co-authored and single-authored research publications. 
  • The final basis for granting the degree shall be the candidate’s grasp of the subject matter in their specialized area and a demonstrated ability to conduct independent research with an impact on society.
  • In addition, the candidate must have acquired the ability to express thoughts clearly and forcefully in both oral and written languages. The degree is not granted solely for the completion of coursework, residence and technical requirements, although these must be met.
  • Students who graduate with a doctoral degree in Sociology have a wide spectrum of career fields from which to choose. Many students will pursue careers as professors, lecturers, and researchers in the public and private spheres.