Study Abroad OpportunitiesThere are opportunities to study in China, Germany, France and others. These can be arranged through the Center for International Services and Programs

Internship OpportunitiesThe Department of Political Science offers internships for political science majors.

Public Service SpecializationThis is a political science program more oriented toward practical politics and government service. Requirements of this program are identical to those of the political science major with two exceptions: public service track majors take an internship for 6 hours of credit instead of the senior seminar, as their capstone course. Students also take one course specifically related to their internship, as well as the usual field-distribution requirements for the major.


There are multiple career opportunities for majors in political science. Political science is a fine liberal arts degree and careers are diverse.

Private Sector: Many political science majors will have careers in the private, for-profit sector. Some positions include:

  • Journalist
  • Market Researcher
  • Sales Representative

Non-Profit Sector: The not-for-profit sector is rapidly expanding, and some political science majors find employment there. Some positions include:

  • Group Activist
  • Director of Development

Public Sector: Many students will go into jobs in the public sector working for federal, state, or local governments. Some of these positions include:

  • Budget Analyst
  • Law Enforcement Officer
  • Legislative Director
  • Librarian
  • Public Relations Officer
  • Teacher

Graduate School: Some political science majors continue on to graduate school in diverse areas leading to other careers. For example:

  • Attorney at Law
  • Professor
  • City Manager