Topics covered include risk estimation and solutions, efficient management of funds, selection of alternative sources of financing, the financial adaptation of the firm and the individual investor to a dynamic economic and political environment, the fundamental and technical valuation of various types of assets, and the determination of appropriate investment policies for the firm and the individual within the U.S. as well as the international environment. The Finance faculty is recognized nationally and internationally for its expertise and scholarship in corporate finance and investments. The Center for Real Estate Research is especially well- known throughout the world, most notably in the area of real estate investments.


Students may choose from four areas of specialization:

  • Management of Financial Institutions
  • Investment and Security Management
  • Real Estate Finance
  • Financial Management


The Finance Major within the BBA degree program at Cleveland State University prepares students with a broad foundation of business knowledge, management skills and proficiency in finance for professional careers in the financial departments of industrial, commercial and financial institutions, investment firms, real estate firms, insurance companies, and government and public agencies.