The major has five sequences: relational communication, intercultural communication, organizational communication, health communication and mediation. Coursework offers a broad-based overview of the dynamics of human relationships, providing students with insights and job-related training. Our graduates gain a thoughtful appreciation of communication complexities, as well as ways to harness communication to improve the overall quality of life.


Specialists who understand the dynamics of managing human communication should be in demand over the next 10 years. Organizations need people who are sensitive to communication problems and can use their expertise to mediate disputes. Jobs are diverse and include:

  • Director of corporate communication
  • Training specialist
  • Fundraiser
  • Arts administrator
  • Mediation expert
  • Nonprofit organization director

Health care organizations seek employees with sensitivity to doctor-patient communication, a focus of the health communication sequence. Corporations seek specialists in team-building and leadership, dimensions of the organizational communication area.