Multidisciplinary training, carried out by faculty in pharmacology and other basic science departments, emphasizes molecular, cellular, physiological, and clinical aspects of the pharmacological sciences. Areas of faculty expertise include drug/xenobiotic metabolism; receptor-ligand interactions, and biochemical reaction mechanisms; cell biology of signaling pathways; structure-function of membrane components; endocrine and metabolic regulation; cell surface and nuclear receptors, hormonal regulation of gene expression; cancer biology and therapeutics, bacterial and viral pathogenesis, neuroscience/neuropharmacology, and drug resistance.
The Department of Pharmacology occupies about 25,000 net square feet distributed among several locations, namely the School of Medicine Harland Goff Wood Building and the adjacent Wood Research Tower, as well as facilities in the West Quad Bldg. Facilities include extensive chromatographic and tissue culture facilities, a transgenic mouse laboratory, imaging and confocal microscopy equipment, and ready access to specialized research techniques, including various aspects of recombinant DNA and hybridoma technology, in situ hybridization histochemistry, fluorescence cell sorting, NMR and mass spectroscopy,? X-ray crystallography, and cryo electron microscopy.
Although training efforts by the Department of Pharmacology are primarily directed toward the award of the PhD degree, training for the MS degree is offered also in a variety of contexts. For example, research assistants in the Department who seek educational advancement may pursue the MS degree via Plan A (thesis) or Plan B (coursework only). Medical students who seek to specialize in Pharmacology during the scholarly research component of their preclinical program may pursue the MS degree. Employees in the Biotechnology Industry may seek advanced training in Pharmacology by pursuing the MS degree at Case. Finally, a PhD candidate who is unable to complete the PhD requirements for extraordinary reasons may petition to have earned credits transferred to fulfill MS degree requirements.