Modern physics is concerned with the study of atoms and molecules; atomic nuclei; elementary particles; and the properties of liquids, crystalline solids and other materials — as well as the areas of relativity, cosmology and the large-scale structure of the universe. Clemson’s physics program examines each.

You can choose to receive a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts — the difference is with the Bachelor of Science you can choose to take a biophysics concentration or an emphasis area in a science or engineering, while the Bachelor of Arts requires more liberal arts classes and includes a minor in any of a large number of subjects.

Fast Facts

  • You can choose to get a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts in physics.
  • All our students do research in astrophysics, atmospheric and space physics, biophysics, condensed matter and materials physics, and theoretical quantum physics.
  • Our graduates go on to graduate school in physics, medical physics, engineering, biochemistry, as well as to law and medical school.
  • The Bachelor of Arts gives you a chance to learn another field in some depth along with physics.
  • Prepare to be a physical science teacher with our B.A. dual major program with physics teaching in the School of Education.
  • The Bachelor of Arts is an excellent preparation for law school, especially if you are interested in intellectual property or patent law.
  • Our graduates work at NASA, Microsoft, Naval Research Labs and in many other high-profile companies.