Here, your curiosity and inventiveness will soar as you learn to look deeper into the behavior, design and production of things we use every day. With a Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from Clemson, you will be able to apply engineering analysis and design to matters that affect our everyday lives such as manufacturing; energy conversion and conservation; machines; materials; health; and vehicles for air, sea and land transportation.

Because science and technology are ever changing, our program focuses on fundamental principles as well as modern tools. You will develop a foundation on which to embark on a path of lifelong learning as you practice mechanical engineering; earn advanced degrees; or go on to practice law, business or medicine.

Fast Facts:
  • The demand for mechanical engineers is very high, and interest in our program reflects that trend.
  • Our faculty members are internationally recognized in education and research.
  • More than 70 percent of our students have participated in a co-op and/or internship, according to our latest senior exit survey.
  • Our faculty have degrees from top institutions worldwide, significant experience in industry or national labs, and many are fellows in professional engineering societies.
  • With our B.S./M.S. program, you can earn up to a semester’s credit toward a graduate degree while simultaneously satisfying requirements for your undergraduate degree.
  • All students planning to choose a degree in an engineering discipline will apply to Clemson as a general engineering major.