Clemson’s language and international trade major combines intensive foreign language study (Chinese, French, German, Japanese or Spanish) with a professional business concentration in one of the following areas: applied international economics, international trade or tourism. Old boundaries are dissolving rapidly, and doing business often means doing business abroad. Students who choose this major want to immerse themselves in another language and another culture. They want to learn how to live, work and succeed in a business environment that’s anything but local.

Fast Facts:

  • You will spend at least one semester studying abroad.
  • You will have many ways to build proficiency in your chosen language, from the language lab to language clubs to conversing with your host family during study abroad.
  • Intensive tutoring is available through Clemson’s Academic Success Center.
  • The Clemson Language Immersion program helps prepare you for study abroad.
  • In addition to language study, you’ll take business classes related to your area of concentration.