Others envision a more administrative role in a traditional hospital setting or volunteer health agency, while of course, many plan to go into medicine, dentistry, physical therapy and more. Anything is possible when you join one of the largest industries in the nation. No matter your dreams, we’ll provide you with the tools and training. Our graduates and our professors have worked and are working all over the world in every imaginable health-focused area.

Fast Facts

  • We are one of 15 programs nationally identified as an exemplary undergraduate public health program by the APTR and AAC&U.
  • In line with Clemson’s land-grant mission, our program is focused on giving back to the people of South Carolina in the area of health.
  • Electronic internship portfolios have been key to our graduates' gaining employment and admission to graduate and professional schools.
  • Clemson-community partnerships allow our students to be part of health care to migrant populations, a mobile clinic, and breast and cervical cancer screenings, among other initiatives.