Hands-on problem solving, relevant research and direct contact with major industry leaders just scratch the surface of what you’ll encounter when you step into our classrooms and labs. Whether you envision yourself working in a lab or out in the field, this profession is about creating innovative technology solutions. You could be a part of the next revolution of vehicle electronics or working for a top technology company such as Intel or IBM.

Fast Facts

  • We partner with the Clemson University Research Foundation and the Spiro Institute to help students turn cutting-edge research into profitable business endeavors.
  • For freshmen, we offer a robotics course where you build and program robots while competing against classmates.
  • The average starting salary for Clemson’s electrical engineering graduates is $63,400, according to self-reported survey data from 2013-14 graduates.
  • The electrical and computer engineering department is one of Clemson’s largest with 571 undergraduates and more than 180 graduate students.