Enthusiasm, hands-on problem solving and relevant research just scratch the surface of what you'll encounter when you step into our classrooms and labs. While many of our students see themselves working in the forest, or doing field research after graduation, many others seek employment in a more suit-and-tie office setting, perhaps negotiating export prices with international markets.

No matter which you prefer, the forestry profession is about conserving our natural resources and improving our world through careful, scientifically sound management practices.

Fast Facts

  • Within walking distance of campus are 17,500 acres of Experimental Forest dedicated to education, research and recreation.
  • Rising juniors spend eight weeks in the summer doing fieldwork and learning how to cruise timber.
  • Our classes use GIS and GPS to perform state-of-the-art mapping.
  • About 65 percent of our students are involved in the Forestry Club.
  • Forests cover two-thirds of South Carolina’s total land.
  • Clemson is focused on conservation and environmental awareness. Campus has set out to reduce campus energy consumption by 20 percent by 2020.
  • The average “family forest” in South Carolina is 66 acres.
  • The Society of American Foresters accredits our program.