The field focuses on the sustainable production of biorefinery compounds (biofuels, bioactive molecules and biomaterials) using metabolic pathways found in nature and green processing technologies. Further, biosystems engineering encompasses the design of sustainable communities utilizing low-impact development strategies (bioretention basins, rainwater harvesting) for stormwater retention and treatment — and ecologically sound food and energy-crop production.

Fast Facts

  • Our faculty and students conduct research that addresses major issues that challenge our planet’s sustainability.
  • We offer two emphasis areas for this major: bioprocess engineering and ecological engineering.
  • We offer a five-year plan to get your bachelor’s and master’s degrees.
  • Undergraduates can join many Creative Inquiry teams focusing on biodiesel plant operation, biohydrogen production, microbial fuel cells, algal biofuels and green infrastructure/low impact development.
  • All students planning to choose an engineering discipline will apply to Clemson as a general engineering major.