• The Master of Fine Arts in visual arts is the terminal degree within the studio art discipline. Our program offers concentrations in the studio areas of drawing, painting, printmaking, ceramics, photography and sculpture.
  • Students are provided with opportunities to develop a high degree of professional competence in their chosen area of concentration. However, the relatively small size of the program (12 to 20 students) encourages students to explore other studio areas as well. Interdisciplinary and collaborative projects are encouraged within the department resulting in a highly individualized method of instruction.
  • The department is housed within the College of Art, Architecture and Humanities and presents opportunities to interact with various other college disciplines as well. For example, our students may also take advantage of the opportunity to spend a semester of study abroad in Genoa, Italy, at the University's Charles E. Daniel Center for Building Research and Urban Studies.
  • The department also contributes to an MFA in Digital Production Arts, which is collaboratively offered with the department of Computer Science as well as the Ph.D in Rhetorics, Communication, and Information Design, which is an interdisciplinary doctoral degree offered in conjunction with the department of English and Communication.