• Our graduate program in Painting and Drawing offers students a wide range of traditional?and experimental methods that will give them the procedural and conceptual?tools to build a sustainable practice. Under the guidance of an esteemed core?graduate faculty and our unique resources, students can develop?their individual studio practices using the critical and historical frameworks?necessary to succeed in their artistic fields.
  • The Painting and Drawing department encourages students to explore a full range of creative methods?some students investigate their own take on traditional painting practices, while others expand their work into other media and/or materials, including printmedia, film and video, digital imaging, and performance. SAIC?s Painting and Drawing community supports multiple points of view and a full exchange of ideas between them while helping students develop critical perspectives for their work.
  • Our students learn both in and outside of the SAIC community. The department has an active visiting artists program, in which a variety of artists, critics, and curators give lectures and individual or group critiques. Chicago has an active gallery scene that includes established and emerging galleries as well as apartment galleries and alternative spaces, many with direct connections to SAIC.