• History is the study of change over time, but it’s also the story of who we are as people, how our world was created, and what we value and believe. The faculty members are leaders in their fields.  The graduate students go on to secure tenure-track jobs in universities and colleges throughout the nation, teach in colleges and high schools in and around Chicago, and pursue a diverse set of careers with skills they learn in our program. 
  • The undergraduates have the freedom to explore their variety of interests while remaining grounded in the mainstream of the discipline. The Department of History is an exciting place to be.
  • As Chair of the Department, I can attest to our commitment to diversity, justice, and inclusivity, and that our faculty members condemn the unnecessary deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and so many others, and vow to work within our department’s strong tradition of social justice advocacy to use our expertise to illuminate the injustices of the past so that we can work to rectify them now and in the future.