The program offered by the is intended for preparation for engineering practice. Students are required to specialize in one field of concentration: Building Systems, Construction Management, or Structures. 

Students with a variety of academic backgrounds are eligible to apply for the program, including those with undergraduate degrees in engineering disciplines (e.g., architectural, civil, mechanical, environmental, and others) and non-engineering disciplines (e.g., architecture, construction management, environmental science, and others). Admission requirements to these programs are the same as those for the master of science program. Students specializing in the Building Systems concentration are expected to have passed thermodynamics and fluid mechanics in their undergraduate studies.

Students specializing in the Structures concentration are expected to have passed steel design and concrete design. If students have not passed these courses, they may be required to take deficiency courses in their first year of study or in the summer before their first year of study. Each applicant will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis during the application review process to determine any deficiency course requirements.