The Engineering Management program at Illinois Institute of Technology offers an opportunity for students to obtain skills and competencies that are highly relevant and driven by the accelerating development of new technologies in the emerging global economy at the intersection of engineering invention and business administration.

The program’s objective is to prepare students to become leaders in the corporate world shaped by innovations in engineering. Students learn fundamentals of science, engineering management and business administration by concentrating on the development of critical thinking skills directed toward practical problem solving and informed decision making.

Students completing this program are uniquely positioned to make decisions concerning product process development in ways that combine technical, financial, marketing, human resources and strategic considerations. Students are prepared to perform economic analyses for new products, evaluate technologies, and assess business processes. Students completing this program will be able to prepare business plans that include financial details, marketing strategies and design decisions based on target costs and forecasted rate of return on investment capital.

Students have several possibilities to specialize in engineering disciplines. Specializations include: civil engineering, architectural engineering, materials science and engineering, mechanical engineering, and other disciplines.

The program also includes a business curriculum that focuses on developing organization and management, critical thinking and entrepreneurship skills.