The LLM program has about 75 international students each year. All students in this program must have already obtained a basic law degree in their own countries before they can enter the LL.M. program. Students in this program must take a minimum of nine courses (27 credit hours) over three quarters (the normal academic year of three quarters runs from late September to early June). Most international applicants for the LL.M. program must take the TOEFL or IELTS as part of the admissions process (see below). Read more about the LLM Program and application process.

Foreign trained lawyers who wish to remain in the United States and practice law here are advised to obtain the JD degree rather than the LLM degree. The JD degree will enable candidates to take the bar examination in every state while the LL.M. degree may qualify them only to take the bar exam in a few states. In addition, foreign trained lawyers with only a US LLM degree who are looking for long term career positions will be at a disadvantage in competing for employment with J.D. graduates who have more extensive training in US law.