Our Master of Science in Finance program will provide you with specialized knowledge of financial securities, financial markets, risk metrics, investment criteria, capital budgeting techniques and hedging strategies.

You will also have general modeling and analytical skills, including the ability to write computer programs, work with databases, simulate outcomes, perform regression analysis, and solve constrained optimization problems.

Benefits of our MSF program

Prepare for a range of employment options, including joining corporate treasuries, investment banks, insurance companies, and large nonprofit organizations

Gain analytical skills to solve complex financial problems

Join an impressive network of successful alumni, many of whom live and work in the Chicago area

The industry leaders on the Financial Advisory Board ensures that our curriculum—and your MSF degree—remains relevant and cutting edge

Career Outcomes

Loyola's MSF graduates work at investment and commercial banks, investment funds (hedge funds, venture capital funds, mutual funds), insurance companies, trading firms, manufacturing and service companies, consulting firms, and rating agencies as bankers, brokers, portfolio managers, analysts, traders, risk managers, and programmers.

In the last three years, our MSF graduates have been hired by top firms, such as Morningstar, Bank of America, Fifth Third Bank, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Discover, GE Capital, Goldman Sachs, and more