The Bachelor of Arts degree allows the student to acquire a physics degree with strong emphasis in one or more related fields of study. The degree is ideal preparation for graduate work in such areas as geophysics, biophysics and physical chemistry. Physics graduates also commonly enter graduate schools in engineering fields.

What can I do with my degree?

Careers in Physics

Most physicists are employed by educational institutions, industrial firms, government laboratories, or federally funded research and development centers. Vocations in physics fall into four major categories:

Research: Basic research has as its goal the understanding of physical phenomena without a specific application in mind. Applied research leads to the solution of problems of national importance or of significant commercial value.

Development and Design: Work in this area utilizes both basic and applied research to improve existing products, processes and instruments, and to develop new ones.

Teaching:Many physicists are employed in academic institutions, including instructors at the high school, community college, college, and university levels. In the latter, research and teaching are often combined.