Economics courses appeal to students who are analytical and problem solvers and interested in social issues or the operation of private organizations. Economics helps us understand and explain a variety of topics such as employment, inflation, business cycles, economic growth, markets, production, distribution, wages, profits, interest rates, money, taxes, competition, monopoly, international trade, economic history, public policy and many others.

What will I study?

The economics major provides students with a strong foundation in economics and the opportunity to select from a broad range of upper-division courses. It allows the flexibility to craft a program related to a student's individual interests. Students considering an economics major are urged to consult with an Economics Program advisor to tailor a program best suited to their individual goals.

What could I do with my degree?

A major in economics prepares students for careers in a wide variety of private and public sector occupations as well as for graduate study in economics, law, public policy and business. Graduates have worked as stockbrokers, bankers, union officials, market analysts, managers, researchers and salespersons. They have been employed by export/import firms, public utilities, consulting firms, railroads, airlines, banks and a variety of local, state and federal government agencies. Others have successfully completed graduate studies in economics at schools such as Yale, Purdue, UCLA, Rice, Oregon, Washington State University and the University of Washington or received law and MBA degrees at numerous other universities.