The department has more than 20 faculty who work across a wide range of geographic and historical specialties. We encourage interested students to browse our list of faculty and connect with professors who teach and research in their area of interest. Students who wish to explore broad topics are encouraged to apply.
The department also has several areas of concentration in which students can specialize. Some concentrations are as follows:
Areas of Concentration:
- Geographic Areas: Includes Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America, Middle East, and the United States
- Public History: Specializes in museum work and training in oral history and digital history
- Human Rights: Global Justice, Social Activism, Genocide and Memory
- Women's History
Environmental History: Particular strengths in U.S. Environmental History
Practicums, in which students interested in teaching can work in the classroom with experienced instructors, and internships that afford students educational opportunities in agencies and institutions committed to the preservation and presentation of the past are available to all students.