Students who complete this Biology major offered by Lesley University will gain scientific literacy as well as broad and deep knowledge of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, and their interrelationships. Student research is built into the program in the form of internships, independent study, and a research capstone.?

This rigorous major consists of a required core of ten classes that provide depth in understanding the theory and methodology of the discipline as well as a strong background in mathematics, chemistry, and physics. Building on core classes, students have choices of electives in areas of their personal interest. The culminating courses in the major are a 3 credit research capstone and a 6 credit research internship and in which students gain valuable experience doing relevant science. The program also includes an advanced option that is strongly recommended for students who want to pursue graduate studies in the biological sciences or medical/veterinary/dental school.


Professional opportunities in biology are expanding, and Greater Boston is a great place to start your career. Job titles for someone with a biology degree include:

  • Clinical Research Coordinator
  • Biologist
  • Research Technician
  • Scientist
  • Microbiologist
  • Clinical Research Manager