• Massachusetts Institute of Technology offers M.Eng in Computer Science and Molecular Biology with a duration of 2 years.
  • The program is full-time.
  • It is delivered on-campus.
  • The curriculum provides strong foundations in both biology and computer science and features innovative, integrative, capstone, and elective subjects.
  • The goal is to produce an entirely new cadre of graduates who are uniquely qualified to address the challenges and opportunities at the interface of computational and molecular biology.
  • Students in the program are full members of both departments and of two schools, Science and Engineering, with one academic advisor from each department.
  • This program has two years of coursework and approximately three years of research and writing of the dissertation.
  • Students in the Accounting research group are expected to push beyond the boundaries of traditional accounting and incorporate a thorough knowledge of economics and finance in their work on contemporary issues in financial reporting, disclosure, and contracts using financial information.
  • The master's program provides additional depth in computational and/or molecular biology through coursework and a substantial thesis. 
  • According to TopUniversities MIT ranks#1.
  • The student to faculty ratio in this program is 3:1 which increases the interaction between students and faculty.
  • Classes with fewer than 20 students in this program are 70.8% which creates the environment suitable to acquire knowledge.
  • The average salary after this program goes upto 63,943 USD.