• The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science at Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) is a 4-year program.
  • This Program ranks #1 in the world in this program among the other universities by US News Ranking 2020.
  • The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, Economics, and Data Science is aimed at educating students at high level and equipping them with a foundational knowledge of economic analysis, computing, optimization, and data science.
  • This program also offers hands-on experience on empirical analysis of economic data, to identify, analyze, and solve real-world challenges in real and virtual settings.
  • Some of the subjects taught in this program are Linear Algebra, Design and Analysis of Algorithm, Econometric Data Science, Machine Learning, Macroeconomics, Networks, Optimization Methods.., etc.
  • The student to faculty ratio in this program is 3:1 which increases the interaction between students and faculty.
  • Classes with fewer than 20 students in this program are 70.8% which creates the environment suitable to acquire knowledge.
  • Scientific discoveries and technological advances accredited to MIT include the first chemical synthesis of penicillin, the development of radar, the discovery of quarks, and the invention of magnetic core memory, which enabled the development of digital computers.
  • MIT estimates that all its living alumni have between them launched more than 30,000 active companies, created 4.6 million jobs, and generated roughly $1.9 trillion in annual revenue.
  • The university lays claim to 85 Nobel Laureates, 58 National Medal of Science winners, 29 National Medal of Technology and Innovation winners, and 45 MacArthur Fellows. Among its impressive alumni is Kofi Annan, former secretary-general of the United Nations.
  • The average salary after getting placed will be 72,080 USD.