Students engage with our diverse, dedicated and growing faculty, with particular expertise in trauma, veterans' issues, aging, social policy, and refugee and immigrant communities. Further, students receive stable, generous funding through assistantships and scholarship programs.

Research is a means of social change. Our interdisciplinary PhD program will prepare you for conducting research of consequence in a supportive collaborative environment.

In the program, you will:

  • Create an individual, fully interdisciplinary program of coursework and scholarship.
  • Benefit from a small-by-design program that facilitates meaningful connections with peers and mentors.
  • Participate in the intellectual exchanges and scholarly collaborations fostered by UB?s many?research centers and institutes?and community partnerships.
  • Engage with our diverse, dedicated and growing?faculty, with particular expertise in trauma, veterans? issues, aging, social policy, and refugee and immigrant communities.
  • Access diverse research opportunities, facilities and support through the?Buffalo Center for Social Research.
  • Receive stable, generous funding through?assistantships and scholarship programs.