The Medicinal Chemistry BS provides:

  • A basic chemical understanding of life processes and biological control
  • A chemical basis for the rational design, synthesis, and mechanism of action of drugs, and selective metabolic inhibition
  • The basic laboratory skills necessary for research in medicinal chemistry
  • An appreciation of medicinal chemistry and the chemical aspects of pharmacology
  • A foundation for post-baccalaureate study in medicinal chemistry and professional studies in the health sciences
  • Learning Outcomes

    Upon successful completion of all requirements, the student will have knowledge to:

    • Demonstrate knowledge in the basic sub-divisions of the science (organic, inorganic, analytical, physical and biological chemistry)
    • Use modern instrumentation and classical laboratory techniques
    • Design and conduct scientific experiments for the purpose of solving a scientific problem and to record and analyze the results
    • Understand the proper procedures for safe use of chemicals and can follow the proper procedures for chemical waste disposal
    • Use modern library searching and retrieval methods to obtain information about a topic, chemical, chemical technique, or an issue relating to chemistry
    • Identify and solve chemical problems and explore new areas of research
    • Understand the chemical basis for the rational design, synthesis, and mechanism of action of drugs, and selective metabolic inhibition
    • Find employment in industry or government or be accepted at graduate or professional schools (pharmacy, medicine, etc.)