Students who graduate with a degree in sociology and enter the job market directly will find themselves competing with other liberal arts students, but with an advantage - a special appreciation for diversity and the ability to work with people from diverse background. ?

Although few occupations include "sociologist" in their title at the bachelor's level, the sociological perspective is excellent preparation for a wide variety of occupations. You should look for an entry level job, gain experience through internships and watch for opportunities of specialized training or advanced education.

If you are approaching graduation (or have recently graduated) and are seeking a job in the business world, focus on general areas of interest that motivate you. Sociology majors who are interested in organizational theory gravitate toward organizational planning, development and training. Those who study the sociology of work and occupations may pursue careers in human resources management (personnel) and industrial relations. Students who especially enjoy research design, statistics and data analysis seek positions in marketing, public relations and organizational research. Courses in economic and political sociology, cultural diversity, racial and ethnic relations, and social conflict can lead to positions in international business.

Employers value graduates who have a keen understanding of the impact of cultural, racial and gender diversity in the workplace, and who comprehend the global nature of business and industry. Interviewers will seek to determine if applicants can easily adapt to organizational life in the private sector. In particular, this means the ability to work well with others as part of a team.