We share a common commitment both to biology as a scientific discipline and to the importance of biology in broader social and cultural contexts. Like all biological systems, the richness of the biology community at the College reflects and depends on the diversity of its members, and the continual exploration of new directions.

The programs of the department are designed to introduce students to unifying concepts and broad issues in biology, and to provide the opportunity for in-depth inquiry into topics of particular interest through coursework and independent research. Introductory- and intermediate-level courses examine the structures and functions of living systems at all levels of organization, from molecules, cells and organisms to populations. Advanced courses encourage the student to gain proficiency in the critical reading of research literature, leading to the development, defense and presentation of a senior paper. Opportunities for supervised research with faculty are available and highly encouraged. Students considering coursework in Biology are encouraged to meet with the department's major advisor to determine the best sequence of courses based on their interests and goals.