?Technological literacy is the ability to develop, use, manage, understand and assess technology.

Although the primary goal of the Technology Teacher Education program is to prepare competent technology teachers, alternate career opportunities exist for graduates of the program. Many graduates have established careers in business and industry, taking advantage of their technical expertise and their liberal arts and professional education with its emphasis on human development and learning. A master?s degree is required for the New York State professional certificate as a technology teacher. Graduates of our baccalaureate program in technology teacher education have the opportunity to pursue a master?s degree in instructional technology, educational administration and supervision, special education, or other education specialties that are offered at The City University and elsewhere in the country.

Program Mission and Outcomes

Our mission, as urban educators, is to prepare professionally competent, reflective and caring technical educators for a world of technology and diversity. Therefore, every graduate of the program is prepared to demonstrate:

  • General Knowledge ? based on a strong foundation in the liberal arts and sciences that forms the basis for our shared values, understandings and responsibilities in a democracy.
  • Technical Competency ? including knowledge and skill in career and technical education content areas to enable students to achieve high standards of learning and performance.
  • Professional Competency ? based on knowledge of students and proficiency in designing instruction appropriate for their developmental levels and needs; proficiency in designing, planning, implementing and managing the instructional process in a safe and nurturing environment; and using a variety of methods, assessment techniques and resources.