The accredited Construction Management program at RWU prepares future leaders of residential, commercial and highway building. Through classes, labs and hands-on projects in engineering, business, math, science, law and liberal arts, you?ll learn how to manage construction projects from start to finish -- including scheduling, budgeting, choosing materials and safely supervising people. That?s why construction employers regularly report that our graduates exceed expectations for performance.

Construction managers are the leaders of the design-build process, and work for owners, builders, designers, subcontractors and a multitude of government and technical agencies. They control the ?means and methods? of construction, develop the budgets and manage the project schedules. On-time, on-budget completion is a typical CM responsibility which has become increasingly difficult given today?s technically and organizationally complex projects. Owners, designers and construction managers must all work collaboratively to create integrated best value solutions that meet a client?s needs.

To work as a construction manager, graduates need technical, managerial, research and problem solving skills. Our program provides this education with a balanced curriculum which includes engineering, construction, business, mathematics, science and liberal arts courses. Employer surveys regularly report our graduates meeting or exceeding all performance expectations and regularly outperforming graduates from many of our peer institutions.