The program is designed to prepare students to address the challenges that organizations are likely to face in the globalized, technological world of the 21st Century. Students will apply new paradigms, techniques and methods to promote creativity, innovation, improvisation and adaptation. skills acquired from the curriculum include communication, negotiation, the leadership process, accountability, inclusive excellence leadership, and strategic leadership.?

The Leadership programme taught at??seeks to create the following competencies:

  • A clear understanding of the political, social, economic, and cultural environments in which a leader must operate
  • An awareness of personal leadership strengths and weaknesses and strategies to improve deficits
  • Strategic planning using resource allocation, sound research, data analysis and innovation
  • Insight into international perspectives through the use of case studies of non-U.S. developed and developing countries
  • The ability to make leadership decisions which are ethical, efficient, and informed by research, evaluation, and diagnoses of situations
  • Effective leadership of diverse groups through the accurate use of supportive organizational mechanisms and the ability to identify and address forces that detract from effective diversity leadership
  • The ability to apply leadership skills and behaviors to build the human, social, intellectual, and financial capital for the sustainability of their organizations
  • The skills to lead groups and organizations in the design and implementation of new paradigms, effectively utilizing leadership to enhance the reputation of organizations in domestic and global contexts