Students have the unique opportunity to work closely in collaboration with faculty to develop their areas of concentration and graduate as specialists in a wide range of topics (e.g., history of the Spanish language, Spanish in the United States, sociolinguistics, etc.)

All MA students in the Hispanic linguistics option are required to take 30 hours of graduate course work. They are required to have their course selections in linguistics approved by their advisor and the associate chair for graduate studies, but they are encouraged to develop an interdepartmental and interdisciplinary course of study. Graduate seminars offered in linguistics, sociology, psychology, anthropology and education can serve as important complements to linguistics courses taken in our department.

The MA in Spanish is offered in two areas of concentration: one with an emphasis on literature and one with an emphasis on linguistics.

All MA students are required to complete at least 30 hours of graduate course work, at least 25 of which must be completed at CU Boulder. MA students may transfer to the department a maximum of 6 credit hours of acceptable graduate-level courses and may take no more than 6 credit hours of independent study courses.

Courses taken as part of the MA program must be offered by our department or by others upon having been approved by the student's MA supervisory committee (or the associate chair for graduate studies if the committee has not yet been formed). In addition, MA students may not take more than 9 hours of graduate course work in any given semester.

No graduate course in the department may be taken pass/fail by a graduate student in our program. This rule also applies to those courses taken in the Department of Linguistics by our MA students.