More specifically:

  • It allows students to take 32 credits of advanced engineering courses of structured and rigorous content in preparation for careers in industry as well as entry into PhD programs in photonics and related areas.
  • It requires students to build depth in a photonics specialization, selected from areas such as lasers and applications, photonics materials and devices, and fiber optics and optical communications.
  • It affords students the opportunity to flexibly choose graduate electives to explore a breadth of technical or professional interests within—or outside—engineering. For example, permissible graduate electives for the MEng program include courses in project management, entrepreneurship, and leadership.
  • As opposed to the MS in Photonics, it does not require you to perform independent research as part of the degree program; this may be attractive to you (a) if you have prior research experience, (b) if you prefer to postpone your research training to a post-master’s program, or (c) if you are not interested in a research-intensive career.
  • It has a practicum requirement that is satisfied by taking a 4-credit course (Directed Team Project) or by taking two project-intensive courses.