• The past two decades have witnessed a rapid expansion in arts audiences, practitioners, and institutions. Simultaneously, the increased cyclical economic uncertainty in both the public and private sectors has resulted in a growing need for highly skilled administrators who can work effectively with elected officials, business and community leaders, and fellow arts professionals.
  • The Master of Science in Arts Administration program emphasizes excellence, creativity, economic problem solving, internationalism, and a commitment to the new technologies of our age. We are particularly concerned with helping arts organizations place the achievement of their missions ahead of any blind devotion to maximizing revenues. It is toward such an end that we sustain a deep conviction in the centrality of the role of the artist and in the fundamental importance of artistic excellence as issues central to the health of all arts organizations in the twenty-first century.
  • The MS in Arts Administration program is specifically designed to accommodate the schedules of working adults. Students can complete all coursework on a part-time, evening basis, in approximately two years. Full-time study toward the degree is also possible, although scheduling issues may sometimes arise, as not every course will appear in a one-year cycle.