Work toward a better future by learning how to work with communities and increase their sustainable living with Appalachian State University?s Anthropology (BA) - Social Practice and Sustainability degree. The Department of Anthropology has a longstanding commitment of working directly with local and global communities to build sustainable livelihoods, and faculty members regularly return to international communities to conduct research.

This concentration has a rigorous internship component. The department has relationships with a variety of internship sites and can help you select the right fit for your interests.

Classes in the Department of Anthropology are small, so you will receive individualized attention and mentorship. You will study with faculty members whose research has been supported by fellowships from the Fulbright Program, National Science Foundation, National Endowment for the Humanities, Princeton University and other groups, and who include field trips as a regular form of study. There are opportunities to serve as research or teaching assistants at the undergraduate level ? giving you the chance to publish and gain practical experience.