Each major concentration, therefore, begins after students have demonstrated high intermediate to advanced competency in Spanish by either completing language courses for second language learners or by completing language courses designed for Heritage Speakers or by proving native-speaker competency (High School or College diploma from a Spanish speaking country). AP exam credits can also certify more advanced language proficiency and can count toward degrees.Students interested in advanced study of the language, culture, and literature, should acquire the Spanish major, which is a universally recognized credential that certifies professional-level proficiency in the language and advanced cultural competency in relations with Spanish speaking peoples and countries. The major is a 36-37 credit program, depending on individual circumstances. The major can be easily combined with other majors in the university as a “second major.”Professional Concentrations within the Spanish major can be designed to suit student interests and professional ambitions. Students may choose from one of the following tracks:

  • Spanish Literary and Cultural Studies
  • Spanish for the Professions
  • Translation Studies
  • Spanish Major (Non-Heritage Speakers) Checklist
  • Spanish Major (Heritage Speakers) Checklist