Our Communications major offers preparation for careers in business, politics, human services, management, law, education, and ministry. You will engage in critical thinking, developing and presenting effective messages, analyzing and solving problems, managing conflict, and establishing and maintaining relationships.

Communications majors work with award-winning faculty and a flexible curriculum designed to provide you with a liberal arts background and strong career oriented coursework. Focusing on the dynamics of human communication, students learn to be persuasive communicators across a variety of contexts.

You will learn a set of skills that translates well to a wide range of careers. They are a serious asset when applying to many types of positions requiring excellent communication skills. The ability to think critically and perform empirical research puts you ahead of the competition.

Some common jobs our graduates earn include:

  • Communication director
  • Marketing coordinator
  • Sales associate
  • Recruiter
  • Digital marketing specialist
  • Branding manager
  • Special events planner
  • Content specialist